Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Barbie dolls for modern times

Corey, my oldest daughter, is now 29.  Even when she was younger, Corey has always had the same sort of bizarre sense of humor that I do.  One day, we sat down and our warped imaginations began running amuck in trying to create the newest Barbie that would make us rich. Some of the creations we came up with are listed below.

But the years went by and that cash cow never materialized. So what you see below is the result of a few wasted hours of my time trying to create the Barbie that accurately reflects our age and culture. Some I even managed to find images on the Internet that would befit the idea.

Call now. Operators are standing by, ready to take your orders for a limited time.

And then there's the also-ran Barbies for which I could not find suitable images:

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